
CALL. 046-887-0648

Weekdays: 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00

Saturdays: 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:30

Closed Sundays and national holidays



Fumihiko Kimura

Graduate of Yokosuka Prefectural High School, Kanagawa, Japan.
Graduates from Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 2002. Goes on to complete implant training course at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Earns certification as implant physician using the products of the ITI Straumann company.
Lecturer, Implant Division, Temporomandibular DisorderDental Treatment Research Society.
Invisalign (invisible braces)Doctor Affiliated Academic Societies
Anti-Aging Society
Special Lecturer, Jinaikai Association Doctor Group Training Program
Japan Prosthodontic Society
Completed Continuing Dental Education (CDE)programs at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (whitening, periodontal, implant procedures)

Language Spoken:English

director, general dentistry

Misato Sugawara Parrochon

Tokyo Medical and Dental University
International Experience
Former part-time lecturer at the University of Lyon, France
Professional Associations/Accreditations
Japanese Orthodontic Society of General Practitioners

Language Spoken:English, French, Japanese

Kazuhisa Satake


2008年 東京医科歯科大学 卒業
2009年 東京大学医学部附属病院顎口腔外科歯科矯正歯科 研修修了、同大学 保健健康推進本部歯科口腔外科 非常勤講師
2012年 東京医科歯科大学大学院 研究生
2013年 同大学歯学部附属病院 医員
2016年 同大学 非常勤講師
2017年 医療法人NDO初谷歯科医院 勤務

日本歯科保存学会 認定医
日本レーザー歯学会 専門医

Language Spoken:Japanese, English

endodontics adviser

Takatomo Yoshioka

Specialist of Japan Endodontic Association
Councilor of Japanese society of Conservative Dentistry
Advisor of Japanese society of Conservative Dentistry
Part‐time teacher of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Periodontics Adviser

Masahiko Nikaido

Postgraduate Program in Periodontology at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (Boston, MA, USA)
Diplomat - American Board of Periodontology
Clinical Assistant Professor - Tokyo Dental Colledge
President of Japanese Association of Clinical Periodontology

dental anesthesiologist

Mari Matsumura

Professional Associations/Accreditations
Certified by The Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology

Language Spoken:Japanese, some English